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Who should not eat ginseng


First: It is not suitable to take it when you have a cold and fever

This is because the body will experience severe heart palpitations during the fever process, and after taking ginseng, the blood circulation in the body will increase, which will lead to aggravated heart palpitations, making the problem of cold and fever more serious, which is not conducive to the condition recovery, but may lead to worsening of the condition.

Second: Asthma and dry throat are not suitable for using ginseng

If it is a sudden asthma, or a dry throat caused by heat in the body, then we do not recommend using ginseng. In addition, if it is due to temporary emotional agitation that causes vomiting of blood, etc., then it is best not to use ginseng.

Third: Avoid edema in the abdomen caused by damp heat. Ginseng

This is because ginseng has a certain anti-diuretic effect. After taking it, not only can it not relieve the edema, but it will aggravate the condition. It is not recommended to take it. In addition, if it is due to oliguria caused by renal insufficiency, it is not recommended to take ginseng to treat the disease.

Fourth: Patients with insomnia, dreaminess and irritability are not recommended to take ginseng

After taking ginseng, the spirit will be more excited, which not only leads to worse sleep effect, but also makes it difficult to achieve the effect of meditation.

Contraindications for Ginseng

1. Long-term use in large quantities

Studies have found that ginseng contains dammarane diol sugars and triol glycosides. Continuous large doses can cause people to suffer from "ginseng abuse syndrome" and central nervous system excitement, leading to insomnia, neurasthenia, and high blood pressure. , easily excited, or manifested as depression, loss of appetite, hypotension, allergies and other symptoms.

2. Take it at night

Ginseng can promote human metabolism and anti-aging. Ginseng glycosides can keep warm and nourish the body, but ginseng has an excitatory effect on the cerebral cortex. Taking ginseng at night can easily lead to insomnia and fullness, so it is forbidden to take ginseng at night .

3. Eat with strong tea

Tea leaves contain a lot of tannic acid, caffeine and other components, which are prone to chemical reactions with ginseng components, resulting in precipitation, resulting in reduced efficacy.

4. Eat with radish

Ginseng invigorates qi, radish reduces qi, and has the effect of diuresis and digestion. Eating radish will accelerate the loss of active ingredients in ginseng, and the carotene in radish will also effectively decompose and reduce the effect of medicine. Ginseng should not be eaten together with radish.

Conclusion: In daily life, many people eat ginseng to regulate their bodies. It can play a very good role in health care. You can use the above to understand the benefits of ginseng on the human body. Who else should not eat ginseng. Through the introduction of the editor above, have you gained a deeper understanding of ginseng?

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