Hangzhou Botanical Technology Co., Ltd.

Post-planting management of ginger


1. Apply enough base fertilizer and topdress for many times

Ginger needs fertilizer. It requires a large amount of potassium fertilizer and a small amount of phosphorus fertilizer. It grows slowly in the early stage, and the plant is short and does not need much fertilizer. It grows vigorously in the middle and late stages and requires a large amount of fertilizer.

Determine the method and amount of fertilization according to the soil test formula: before cultivating the land, take soil for testing according to the scientific method of taking soil, detect the pH value, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content, convert the carbon and nitrogen ratios, and formulate according to the characteristics of ginger. Fertilization formula.

Ginger is more resistant to fertilizers and has a long growth period. The principle of applying enough base fertilizer and top dressing several times should be adopted. Apply 1500-2500 kg of pig and cow dung per mu, and 10-15 kg of potassium fertilizer as base fertilizer.

Topdressing should be applied frequently and thinly, from light to thick. Apply a thin fertilizer when the seedling height is 15 cm, and apply a second fertilizer when the height is 30 cm. After that, apply top dressing every 20 days or so. Chlorine fertilizer should be used mainly in seedling stage, and potassium fertilizer should be applied more in rhizome expansion stage.

2. Moisture management

① During the germination period, the bottom water should be poured thoroughly, and the initial water should be timely. Usually until the emergence reaches about 70%, the first water is poured, 2-3 days after the first water is poured, and then the second water is poured, and then intertillage is used to preserve the moisture, so that the ginger seedlings can grow robustly.

②In the seedling stage, water frequently with small water and draw in time to break the soil compaction. After the heavy rain, clear the ditches and drain water in time to make the water dry after the rain and prevent waterlogging in ginger fields.

③During the vigorous growth period, pour water frequently, preferably in the morning and evening, keep it moderate, and prevent water accumulation. After the beginning of autumn, there will be a large number of branches and new leaves on the ground, and the underground rhizomes will expand rapidly. The plants will grow fast, with a large amount of growth, and require more water. Generally, water every 4-6 days and keep the relative humidity of the soil at 75%- 85%, conducive to growth. Water again 3-4 days before harvest, so that the ginger will be covered with moist soil when harvested, which is conducive to storage in the cellar.

3. Cultivation and soil cultivation

The root system of ginger is shallow, so it should only be plowed shallowly to prevent damage to the roots and induce diseases. Weeding and soil cultivation are carried out simultaneously. If the soil is loose, no tillage can be used, but the soil should be cultivated to prevent the ginger from protruding from the ground.

The first soil cultivation is carried out when the ginger has 3-5 branches and the rhizomes are not exposed to the ground. Generally, in late June, the soil should be about 2 cm thick. It should not be too thick, or it will affect the air permeability of the root system, which will hinder the growth of new ginger buds, reduce the number of branches, and slow the growth of rhizomes.
The second earthing should be carried out after about 20 days after the first small earthing, with a thickness of 2-3 cm, and the earthing should not be too thick this time.
The third earth-building is a large earth-building, which is carried out 15-20 days after the second earth-building, that is, before and after the great heat, with a thickness of 7-8 cm. It is called "inverted ditch". In the future, if any ginger buds are found to be exposed, the soil should be cultivated in time to ensure the normal growth of the ginger.

4. Timely shade to promote growth

Ginger is a shade-tolerant crop, and direct sunlight affects the growth of seedlings. After sowing, use sunshade nets to form artificial sheds to shade, and dismantle the sheds after the summer.

Shade nets are used to shade the sun. Before the ginger is planted, wooden pillars (or cement piles) should be laid according to the structure of the simple big arched willow of vegetables. The highest point in the middle is about 2 meters, and the sides are slightly shorter (this height will not affect the ventilation. , and does not hinder the later work under the net), connect several sunshade nets together according to the width of the ground, preferably 4-5 nets.

After the ginger is sown, the sunshade net is fixed on the stake. During the whole growth period of ginger, spray the leaves with Bihu, once every 10 days, 3 times in a row, to promote growth and prevent diseases.

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