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Milkvetch Root Side Effects


Milkvetch Root can be seen in many traditional Chinese medicines. Milkvetch Root is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, which belongs to the leguminous plant and has many medicinal values.


1. Milkvetch Root has many names, such as Beiqi, Beiqi, Tragacanth, etc. It is a common traditional Chinese medicine, mainly produced in North China and Northeast China, such as (Shanxi, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, etc.).


2. There are about 2,000 species of Milkvetch Root, of which there are about 270 species in my country. According to the species, there are Milkvetch Root membranaceus in Inner Mongolia, Milkvetch Root multiorder, Milkvetch Root membranaceus, Milkvetch Root membranaceus, Milkvetch Root membranaceus, etc.


3. The picking season of Milkvetch Root is in spring and autumn, and it is usually dried and sliced.


As we all know, the side effects of Chinese medicine are much less than that of Western medicine, but if Chinese medicine is used improperly, it will also produce certain side effects. Milkvetch Root is a common traditional Chinese medicine. When using it, you should pay attention to the method of use and incompatibility, otherwise the side effects of Milkvetch Root will aggravate the condition.


1. First of all, after eating Milkvetch Root, it is easy to get angry, and symptoms such as flushing, dry mouth and tongue appear.


2. People with kidney disease cannot use Milkvetch Root, because kidney disease belongs to yin deficiency and damp heat, and people with heat poison in the body will have toxic and side effects after using Milkvetch Root.


3. If you have symptoms of yin deficiency such as dry mouth and throat, backache and low back pain, fever in palms and feet, insomnia, dreamy night sweats, etc., you should not use Milkvetch Root. Because Milkvetch Root membranaceus is mild in nature, patients with yin deficiency will help heat after use, which is easy to injure yin and move blood.


4. If there are sores on the body, Milkvetch Root can not be used, because having sores means that there is heat toxin on the body, and Milkvetch Root with a mild nature is easy to stagnate evil and aggravate the condition.


5. If Milkvetch Root must be used, it needs to be compatible with other traditional Chinese medicines. Patients with yin deficiency need to mix it with Ophiopogon japonicus, Rehmannia glutinosa, Polygonatum odoratum, Shengdi, Asparagus, Scrophulariaceae, etc. These traditional Chinese medicines have the effect of nourishing yin; Chen, Coptis chinensis, Scutellaria baicalensis, etc. These traditional Chinese medicines have the effect of clearing away dampness and heat; patients with heat toxins should be combined with Patrinia, Coptis chinensis, rhubarb, Gardenia, etc. These traditional Chinese medicines have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying.


6. In addition, when using Milkvetch Root, you must not use too much, and use it with caution when you have fever, lack of yin qi, or body pain.

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