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Milkvetch Root Extract Use


When Milkvetch Root is mixed with different medicines, the dosage is different and the effect is also different. Specific: 1. Raw Astragalus with Anemarrhena. When used in a ratio of 1:1, its function is to nourish yin and clear heat and treat yin deficiency and internal heat syndrome. Tonic is a flat tonic, a small dose of Anemarrhena is combined with the temperature of Astragalus, so that it can be supplemented, and it will not be excessively warm and dry. 2. Compatible with Angelica Sinensis, 5:1, can replenish qi and generate blood, treat blood deficiency, or both qi and blood deficiency. 3. Raw Astragalus can resist wind in a ratio of 1:1 and can be used on the table to strengthen the body and eliminate pathogens. When used in a ratio of 4:1, it can be used to nourish qi and nourish yang. 4. It is equally divided with ginseng and used in large doses, which can nourish the lungs and kidneys, relieve asthma, and treat asthma and cough caused by deficiency of both lungs and kidneys; when the amount of astragalus is large, ginseng can be taken out of the table, and the amount of ginseng is large. Enter. 5. The ratio of raw astragalus and licorice is 6:1. A large dose can be used as a decoction, which can benefit Qi and relieve stranguria; a small dose can be used as a powder, which can calm the internal organs. 6. When the ratio of Astragalus and Poria is 1:2, the effect of treating Qi deficiency, edema, and dysuria is better. At this time, the amount of Astragalus should not be too much, otherwise, the sublimation of Astragalus may affect the penetration and benefits of Poria. 7. Astragalus and cohosh match. When the dosage ratio is about 5:1 to 3:1, the main purpose is to invigorate the middle and nourish the qi; when the ratio is 5:3, the lifting force is strong, and the focus is on the treatment of upper fever. 8. Astragalus root with the peach kernel, safflower, angelica tail, red peony root, Chuanxiong, and earthworm, when the dosage reaches 84% of the whole formula, is used to treat stroke and hemiplegia due to qi deficiency and blood stasis.

Astragalus and Rehmannia glutinosa are the empirical medicine pair of Professor Xia Xiang from Shanghai. In clinical cases such as red tongue, Ganwen Astragalus and Rehmannia glutinosa can be combined with a pair of medicines to limit the medicinal properties of Astragalus Warming and Dryness. Rehmannia glutinosa has hormone-like effects, and astragalus can improve and regulate immune function, so the combination of the two can play an important role in the treatment of intractable diseases closely related to immunity, and can be used for rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome and Autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus. Astragalus is warm and should not be taken by people with yin deficiency and yang, while Rehmannia is sweet and cold, and people with weak spleen and stomach should take it with caution. Generally, the dose of Astragalus is higher than that of Rehmannia glutinosa for recurrent oral ulcers and chronic inflammation such as pyelonephritis. For autoimmune diseases, allergic skin diseases, etc., the dose of Rehmannia glutinosa is mostly better than that of Astragalus. 15-60 grams of Astragalus, 15-120 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa

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