Hangzhou Botanical Technology Co., Ltd.

Medicinal Properties of Houttuynia Herb



15-30g, not suitable for long-term frying; double the amount for fresh products, decoct in water or pound the juice for consumption. Appropriate amount for external use, smashed for applying or decocted for fumigation and washing of affected parts.

【Memory Song】

Gong Tingxian of the Ming Dynasty wrote "Songs of Medicinal Properties and Four Hundred Flavors": Houttuynia Herb is slightly cold, suitable for lung abscess, fumigated and washed hemorrhoids, swelling and detoxification.


The stem of this product is flat cylindrical, twisted, 20-35cm long, 0.2-0.3cm in diameter; brownish-yellow in surface, with several longitudinal ribs, obvious nodes, and residual fibrous roots on the lower nodes; brittle and easy to break. Alternate leaves, folded and shrunken, heart-shaped after flattening, 3-5cm long, 3-4.5cm wide; apex acuminate, entire margin; upper surface dark yellow-green to dark brown, lower surface gray-green or gray-brown ; petiole slender, base united with stipules to form a sheath. Spikes terminal, yellowish brown. There is a fishy smell when crushed, and the taste is slightly astringent.


Houttuynia Herb is a perennial herb, 30-50 cm high, and the whole plant has a fishy smell; the upper part of the stem is erect, often purple-red, the lower part is prostrate, and the nodes have small roots in whorls. Leaves alternate, thin papery, with glandular points, especially on the back, ovate or broadly ovate, 4-10 cm long, 2.5-6 cm wide, heart-shaped at the base, entire, often purple-red on the back; palmate veins 5 ~7 pieces; petiole 1~3.5 cm long, glabrous; stipules membranous 1~2.5 cm long, lower part united with petiole to form a sheath. The flowers are small, open in summer, without perianth, arranged in spikes opposite to the leaves, about 2 cm long; 4 involucral bracts, born on the top of the general pedicel, white, petal-shaped, 1-2 cm long; The stamens are 3, the filaments are long, and the lower part is united with the ovary; the pistil is composed of 3 united carpels. Capsules are nearly spherical, 2-3 mm in diameter, with dehiscence at the top

Ingredients The whole plant contains volatile oil. The main components in the oil are methyl nonanone, myrcene, caprylic acid and lauric aldehyde, etc., which have a special odor. In addition, it still contains irritating diptaine. The leaves contain quercetin. Flower spikes and fruit spikes contain isoquercitrin.

【Storage】Store in a dry place.

【Pharmacological action】

1. Anti-pathogenic microorganisms, inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus, influenza bacillus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae.

2. Diuretic effect, dilates capillaries, increases renal blood flow and urine secretion, so it is also used for frequent urination and astringent pain of urinary tract infection.

3. Enhance the function of the immune system and improve the phagocytosis of white blood cells in patients with chronic bronchitis.

4. Anti-tumor effect, increase CAMP in cancer cells and inhibit Ehrlich ascites carcinoma.

[General dosage and usage] Three qian to one liang, decocted and taken. Because this product contains volatile oil, it should not be fried for a long time. Appropriate amount for external use

[Function] Oral administration has diuretic, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, pus-discharging, and expectorant effects. According to research in recent years, water decoction, powder, and injection of this product have good hemostatic effect on hepatic hemorrhage, which is worthy of further study. According to the clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine, it is effective for suppurative inflammations such as lung abscess and carbuncle. Chewing the rhizome raw can relieve angina pectoris of coronary heart disease.

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