Hangzhou Botanical Technology Co., Ltd.

Knowledge of the medicinal material Ginkgo leaf


medicinal part


The leaves of Ginkgo biloba.




Duck feet, ginkgo leaves, white sun leaves.


plant form


Deciduous tall tree, up to 30-40 meters. Trunk erect, bark light gray, yellowish brown when old, longitudinally fissured. Branches are divided into long branches and short branches. Leaves clustered on short branches or spirally scattered on long branches; leaf blade fan-shaped, upper margin shallowly wavy, sometimes centrally lobed or deeply lobed, veined branches; petiole long. Flowers are solitary and dioecious, and the same plant is rare. The cones are born in the leaf axils or bract axils of short branches, and open at the same time as the leaves; the male cones are catkin-shaped; Vermicelli, each vermiculite produces one ovule, only one develops. Seed drupe-like, elliptic to nearly spherical, outer testa fleshy, with white powder, orange-yellow when ripe, inner testa bony, white. Flowering in May, fruiting in October.


Origin distribution


It is cultivated all over the country. Distributed in Guangxi, Sichuan, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Liaoning and other places.


Harvesting and processing


Harvest leaves from June to September, remove impurities, and dry in time.


medicinal properties


Yellow-green, smooth and hairless, often broken or folded. The complete leaves are fan-shaped, lobed or deeply lobed, with bifurcated veins. The petiole is thin, light in weight, easy to tear, with a delicate smell and slightly astringent taste.


Meridian distribution of sexual taste


Sexual flat, sweet, bitter, astringent. Guixin meridian, lung meridian.


Efficacy and function


Constricting the lung, relieving asthma, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relieving pain. It belongs to the astringent and astringent intestinal medicine under the classification of astringent medicine.


Clinical application


The dosage is 9-12 grams, decocted or taken; or the extract is made into tablets; or made into pills or powders. External application: appropriate amount, pounded for applying or rubbed on; or decocted for washing. It is used to treat cough and asthma due to lung deficiency, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hyperlipidemia, etc.


pharmacological research


It can improve cerebral circulation and protect brain cells and blood-brain barrier; it can improve learning and memory, protect nerves, reduce hearing nerve damage, and significantly improve aging, dementia, and brain dysfunction; it can improve cardiovascular system. Reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, protect ischemic myocardium, reduce the occurrence of arrhythmia, dilate blood vessels, inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE); scavenge free radicals, resist lipid peroxidation; resist platelet activating factor, inhibit platelets; have Enhanced biofilm stabilization effect. It has a direct relaxation effect on tracheal smooth muscle and an antispasmodic effect on gastrointestinal smooth muscle; it has the effect of lowering blood fat; it has antimicrobial effect; it can increase the secretion of sebaceous glands and make dry or aging skin more rosy. According to the test, it has expansion effect on arterial blood vessels, and can resist the vasoconstriction effect caused by adrenaline, and also has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol.


chemical composition


Contains isorhamnetin, kaempferol, quercetin, rutin, quercetin, gingkolides, ginkgolides A, ginkgolides β-bingolides C (Ginkgolides A, Ginkgolides B, Ginkgolides C ), catechin, etc. It also contains isoflavones of ginkgo, shuanghuanghu, myricetin, syringin-3-rutinoside, 6-hydroxykynuric acid, trans-linalool oxide, ginkgolic acid, ginkgool, ginkgool, etc. Element.




Those with real evils should not use it.


Compatible prescription


1. Treatment of hypercholesterolemia: Ginkgo biloba extracts the main component of flavonoids, made into sugar-coated tablets, each containing 1.14 mg of flavonoids, 4 tablets each time, 3 times a day. ("National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine")


2. Treat diarrhea: Ginkgo biloba leaves are used as the powder, make cakes with noodles, and cook them over a simmer. ("Pinhui Essentials")


3. Treatment of enteritis in children: Ginkgo biloba leaves 3-9 grams, decocted in water to scrub the soles of the feet, palms, and heart (around the Juque point), and in severe cases scrub the top of the head, twice a day. ("National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine")


4. Treatment of freckles: Ginkgo biloba leaves, smashed, rubbed on, very wonderful. ("Southern Yunnan Materia Medica")


5. Treatment of onychomycosis: Ginkgo biloba leaves decocted and washed with water. (Southern Medicine "Chinese Herbal Medicine")


6. Treatment of corns: 10 pieces of fresh ginkgo leaves, smashed, wrapped and pasted on the affected area, after 2 days, it will become white rot, and the hard dings will be removed with a knife. (Southern Medicine "Chinese Herbal Medicine")


7. Treatment of lacquer sores and itching: decoct and wash ginkgo leaves and honeysuckle, or decoct and wash with ginkgo leaves alone. (Southern Medicine "Chinese Herbal Medicine")

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