Hangzhou Botanical Technology Co., Ltd.

Identification and application of cinnamon


Cinnamon bark is the dry bark and thick bark of cinnamon, an evergreen tree plant in Lauraceae. It has an aromatic smell and similar effect to fennel. It is often used as a raw material for cooking with a strong fishy smell. It is also the main component of five-spice powder. It is the earliest spice eaten by humans. one. It is mainly produced in Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei and other places. Guangxi has a large output and good quality. The place of origin also picks fresh laurel leaves for seasoning.


Cinnamon is divided into three types: barrel cinnamon, thick cinnamon, and thin cinnamon. Tonggui is the bark of the tender laurel tree. It is fine in quality, clean, sweet, fragrant, and earthy-yellow in color. Meat is best used; thin cinnamon has fine skin, fine meat texture, thin taste, less fragrance, gray skin, reddish-yellow inner skin, and the same use as thick cinnamon.


Cinnamon is the bark of the Lauraceae plant. It has a fragrant and strong taste. It is a good medicine for warming the interior. Lauraceae plants mostly contain volatile oil and are fragrant. The barks of several plants in the Lauraceae family are used as spices, collectively called cinnamon bark. When used as spices, they can be substituted for each other, but when used as medicine, the two should not be confused with each other, and need to be carefully identified and used.


Cinnamon is trough-shaped or roll-shaped, 2-8mm thick, gray-brown on the outer surface, with irregular fine wrinkles and laterally protruding lenticels, and red-brown on the inner surface, relatively smooth, with fine longitudinal lines, which can be seen by scratching with nails Oil marks. Cinnamon bark and cinnamon are similar in shape, but thinner, generally less than 2mm in thickness, hard in texture, not oily, no oil marks on nails, light brown in section, no obvious lines, and also have aroma, but lighter than cinnamon, taste Mild, no spicy taste.


The invention of using cinnamon to treat diabetes did not come from China, although the application of cinnamon in traditional Chinese medicine is quite long; the discovery of this effect came from the medical circle of Pakistan as early as 2003. The data show that: in 60 experimental cases, each person took 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon per day, and the patients' morning fasting blood levels all decreased. Not only that, even blood lipids have also been improved. According to research, its main active substance is cinnamaldehyde contained in cinnamon. It can enhance insulin sensitivity, so it is good for diabetics.


Gui has flakes and powders when used. Cinnamon has a long history as a traditional Chinese medicine and an important seasoning. It is recorded in Chinese medicine books that it nourishes the fire at the door of life, calms the liver and unblocks the four veins, draws the fire back to the original, has the effects of strengthening the heart, invigorating the stomach, expelling wind and evil, and relieving vomiting.

Cinnamon is an essential raw material in the production of compound seasonings such as Chinese five-spice powder and Indian curry powder. It is mainly used to remove fishy smell, pickle pickles, stews, and soup. Some cinnamon flakes are made into exquisite spoons, which are used to scoop coffee and black tea, so that the sweet aroma can be integrated into it.

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