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How to eat Ginkgo biloba


Ginkgo biloba is the leaf of Ginkgo biloba plant. Ginkgo biloba leaves are sweet, bitter and astringent in nature, beneficial to the heart and lungs, reducing dampness and relieving diarrhea. "Chinese Medicine Chronicle" records that it can "contract lung qi, relieve asthma and cough, and stop turbidity". According to modern pharmacological research, ginkgo biloba has a wide range of effects on human and animal bodies, such as improving cardiovascular and peripheral vascular circulation, improving myocardial ischemia, promoting memory, and improving brain function. In addition, it can also reduce blood viscosity and scavenge free radicals.

How to eat ginkgo leaves:

1. Picking leaves: From 8 to 10 in the morning from July to August, seek the green normal leaves of the main trunk and side branches of ginkgo saplings, put them in a basket, wash them with clean water, spread them out to dry, and fry them as they are picked. Quality assurance.

2. Finishing: choose a large iron pot that is clean and odorless, heat it until the surface of the pot is off-white (about 300°C), quickly put 1 kg of green leaves into the pot and cover it for 1 minute. Grab the green leaves quickly from the bottom of the pot, shake them evenly to the bottom of the pot so that all the leaves touch the surface of the pot, and heat evenly. When the grassy smell of the leaves disappears, they are dull black green, hold them into a ball, and come out of the pot with a little elasticity.

3. Kneading: After the leaves are greened, pour them on the mat to dry with residual heat and hold them into a ball with your hands. Knead the dough as if rolling in the same direction, repeat several times, and gently rub the broad leaves to grow into strips.

4. Second killing: Put the kneaded leaves into a pot at 170-190°C, press your hands in the pot and stir-fry the leaves for a few minutes, then open the leaf clusters and heat them evenly for a few minutes, repeat this for about 20 minutes , Take it out of the pan and spread it out on the drying mat to regain moisture and become soft.

5. Stir-frying tea: heat the pot to 90%, put in the dried leaves, fry again, gradually anneal and cool down, lightly stir-fry to prevent shattering, stir-fry until the tea leaves are hot, take them out, cool the finished tea in bags, this tea is green tea , the soup is yellow-brown or light yellow-green, with a strong aroma and a slightly bitter aftertaste.

The role of ginkgo biloba:

1. Lower the cholesterol level in human blood and prevent arteriosclerosis. It can significantly improve the physical weakness, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, dizziness, etc. after mild activities in the middle-aged and elderly people.

2. It lowers blood pressure by increasing blood vessel permeability and elasticity, and has a better antihypertensive effect.

3. Eliminate the deposited components on the blood vessel wall, improve blood flow changes, increase the deformability of red blood cells, reduce blood viscosity, and smooth blood flow, which can prevent and treat cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. It also has certain curative effect on senile dementia caused by arteriosclerosis.

4. Ginkgo biloba preparations combined with hypoglycemic drugs have a good effect on treating diabetes and can be used as an adjuvant drug for diabetes.

5. It can significantly reduce symptoms such as menstrual abdominal pain and back pain.

6. It is also effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

7. Reduce the level of lipid peroxidation, reduce freckles, moisturize the skin, and beautiful appearance.

8. Laxative, diuretic, detoxification, detoxification.

9. It can significantly improve women's climacteric syndrome.


1. Ginkgo biloba leaves contain a large amount of ginkgolic acid, which is toxic. Generally, the bought leaves have not been further processed and extracted, and the content of ginkgolic acid in them is as high as 3000-4000ppm. In particular, ginkgolic acid is water-soluble. Not only did you not eat the effective substances such as ginkgo brass and ginkgo lactone in it, but the effect was the opposite, and it was full of poison!

2. Flavonoids, the main component of Ginkgo biloba leaves, are powerful platelet activating factor inhibitors. Long-term use may inhibit the aggregation function of platelets and increase the risk of cerebral hemorrhage accordingly. Therefore, the elderly should stop taking ginkgo leaves in moderation, and pay attention to regular detection of blood coagulation, and do not blindly take it for a long time. For patients with senile arteriosclerosis and brittle blood vessels, it is not recommended to take it for a long time, so as not to cause cerebral hemorrhage.

3. Its side effects are relatively large. Eating too much can be poisonous, causing muscle twitches and dilated pupils.

4. According to traditional Chinese medicine, ginkgo leaves should not be used if there are real evils. Although ginkgo biloba can promote blood circulation and prevent cardiovascular disease, it cannot be taken with other cardiovascular drugs (such as aspirin) at the same time.

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