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Ginger Planting Treatment


Ginger, perennial herb, 50-80cm high. The rhizome is thick, the section is yellow-white, and has a strong spicy smell. Leaves alternate, arranged in 2 rows, sessile, several clasping stems; ligule length 2-4mm; leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 15-30cm long, 1.5-2.2cm wide, apex acuminate, base narrow , leaf leathery sheath-like clampodium, glabrous. Scapes are pulled out from the rhizomes, 15-25cm long; spikes are elliptical, 4-5cm long; bracts are ovate, about 2.5cm long, light green, with light yellow edges, and small pointed tips at the apex; calyx tubes are ca. 1cm, with 3 short pointed teeth; corolla yellow-green, tube length 2-2.5cm, lobes 3, lanceolate, less than 2cm long, middle lobe of lip oblong obovate, shorter than corolla lobes, with purple stripes and Pale yellow spots, lobes ovate on both sides, yellow-green, with purple edge; stamen 1, dark purple, anther about 9m long, connective appendage wraps style; ovary 3-loculed, glabrous, style 1, stigma subglobose. capsule. Seeds numerous, black. The flowering period is August.

Efficacy classification: anti-surface medicine; resuscitating medicine

medicinal plant cultivation

Biological characteristics like warm and humid climate, not cold-resistant, afraid of humidity, afraid of direct sunlight. Avoid continuous cropping. It is advisable to choose sloping land and slightly shaded plots for cultivation. It is advisable to use deep, loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soil to heavy soil.

Cultivation techniques Propagate with rhizomes (planting ginger), hole planting or strip planting. When digging ginger in autumn, choose thick and light yellow in color. The rhizomes with luster and no scars from diseases and insect pests are used as ginger, and stored in cellars or stacked indoors with fine sand for later use. In the south from January to April, in the north

In May, take out the seed difference to keep warm and accelerate germination, then cut the ginger into small pieces, and keep 1-2 strong buds for each piece. For hole planting, open holes with a row spacing of 40cm×30cm and a depth of 13-17cm. First, pour manure into the holes. After the soil penetrates, place 1 piece of ginger in each hole, and finally cover with fine compost and soil. For row planting, ditch with a row spacing of 40 cm, apply base fertilizer, and plant at a plant spacing of 27 cm, with the overlying soil level with the ground. The Sichuan production area pays great attention to the depth of sowing, sowing deep (digging holes about 30cm), and continuously cultivating soil to form ginger, which is the source of ginger; sowing shallow (digging holes 5-10cm) to produce medicinal ginger, which is the source of dried ginger.

Field management found missing plants after emergence, and replanted them in time. Cultivation and weeding 3-4 times throughout the year, and topdressing 4 times, the fertilizers are mainly organic fertilizers and compound fertilizers. During the growth period, the water requirements are relatively strict, and there must be no shortage of water. Watering should be done in time to keep the plants moist, and watering should be stopped 10 days before harvest.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests Diseases include rot disease, commonly known as Jiang Wen, which is prone to disease in high temperature and rainy seasons. Soak the seeds with Bordeaux mixture for 10 minutes, pull out the diseased plants when the disease occurs, and sprinkle the diseased points with lime to disinfect. The pests include the Asian corn borer, which damages the stems of ginger from August to September. Fill the heart leaves with 90% trichlorfon 1000 solution. Ginger Nongdie, damages leaves with larvae. Spray and kill with 80% dichlorvos 1500 times liquid.

Processing method

1. Ginger: Remove impurities, wash the soil, and slice when used.

2. Fresh ginger powder: Take fresh ginger, wash it, mash it, squeeze it to extract the juice, let it stand still, separate the precipitated powder, and dry it in the sun or at low temperature.

3. Simmer ginger: take clean ginger, wrap it with six or seven layers of paper, soak it in water, put it in fire ash and simmer until the paper is browned, remove the paper for use.

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