Hangzhou Botanical Technology Co., Ltd.

Compatible Application and Contraindications of Ginkgo Leaf


This product is the leaf of Ginkgo bio baL., a deciduous tree of Ginkgoaceae. Produced in Guangxi, Sichuan, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Liaoning and other places. Harvested in September to October, used fresh or sun-dried.

[Prescription name] Ginkgo biloba, ginkgo leaves, fresh ginkgo leaves.

[Characteristics and identification of decoction pieces] This product is mostly wrinkled or broken, and the whole one is fan-shaped, with a length of 3-12cm and a width of 5-15cm. Yellow-green or light brown-yellow, the upper edge is irregularly curved, some are concave in the middle, and the deep ones can reach 4/5 of the leaf length. With bifurcated parallel veins, thin and dense, smooth and hairless, easy to tear longitudinally. The wedge-shaped petiole of the leaf base is 2-8cm long. Lightweight. Slight gas, slightly bitter taste.

[Meridian distribution and function of nature and flavor] This taste is bitter, astringent, and neutral in nature. Return lung meridian. Astringing the lung to relieve asthma, promoting blood circulation to relieve pain.

[Usage and Dosage] 4~9g, decoction. Double the freshness. Those with real evils should not take it.

[Pharmacological action] Ginkgo biloba contains flavonoids, which can expand coronary arteries and cerebral arteries, improve heart and brain blood circulation, lower serum cholesterol, and relax bronchi.

[Clinical application and compatibility experience] 1. Lung-deficiency asthma and cough This product is astringent and closed, can restrain the lungs and relieve asthma, and treat cough and asthma, such as asthma and cough due to lung and kidney deficiency. , astringing the lungs to relieve asthma, if the person is suffering from cough and wind-cold, astringing the lungs to relieve asthma without the disadvantage of staying evil.

2. Chest obstruction or stroke caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis This product can promote blood circulation and relieve pain, and treat chest obstruction and stroke caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis.

[Single prescription] 1. To treat autumn diarrhea in infants and young children, fresh ginkgo leaves 15g, decoct in water for 10-20 minutes, wash feet warmly for 20 minutes, twice a day. ("Compendium of New Uses and Combinations of Clinical Drugs") 2. To treat tinnitus and deafness, 3 pieces of ginkgo biloba leaves, brewed in boiling water instead of tea. ("Compendium of New Uses and Combinations of Clinical Drugs") 3. To treat allergic bronchitis, skin allergies, endotoxic hypotension, 3 ginkgo leaves, brewed in boiling water and taken frequently. ("Encyclopedia of New Uses and Combinations of Clinical Drugs").

【Commonly used drug pairs】1. Ginkgo biloba leaves with deer-bitter grass Ginkgo biloba leaves are sweet and bitter, calming, promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, relieving cough and reducing phlegm; According to modern pharmacological studies, both drugs have the effect of dilating blood vessels in the brain. The two medicines are compatible, and their effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dredging collaterals and removing numbness complement each other. Treatment of hemiplegia, numbness of limbs, headache, dizziness, tinnitus and deafness embolism.

2. Ginkgo leaves and Morus alba Ginkgo leaves relieve cough and reduce phlegm, Morus alba sweets and colds resolves phlegm and relieves asthma. Compatibility of the two medicines can clear the lungs and eliminate phlegm while lowering the breath and relieving asthma. For lung-heat phlegm turbidity, cough and shortness of breath.

3. Ginkgo biloba with Apocynum Ginkgo leaves are astringent to soothe the lungs, Apocynum astringent to calm the liver. Compatibility of the two medicines, adverse qi, hyperactivity of yang, and asthenic fire can all descend subtly, the lung qi takes the descending as the order, and the liver qi takes the dredging as the pivot. Therefore, it is used for symptoms such as dizziness, cough, headache and insomnia caused by hyperactivity of liver yang, wood fire punishment, and lung qi upward reversal.

[Application of Famous Prescriptions] 1. Compound Ginkgo Tablets ("Clinical Chinese Medicine Dictionary"): Ginkgo biloba leaves benefit the heart and lungs, promote blood circulation and relieve pain, treat chest tightness and heartache, palpitations, dizziness, Wu Polygonum multiflorum and Uncaria tonify liver yang, relieve liver wind, and treat crown Heart disease angina pectoris, hypertensive cardiac changes, head ischemic diseases, etc.

2. Ginseng and Ginkgo Leaf Capsules ("Compendium of New Uses and Combinations of Clinical Drugs"): Ginkgo biloba leaves benefit the heart and restrain the lungs, and ginseng benefits Qi and nourishes prosperity.

3. Dilong Pingchuan Decoction ("Experienced Prescription"): Ginkgo leaves Wu Dilong clears away heat, relieves spasm and relieves asthma, Wu scutellaria, Morus alba, Trichosanthes chinensis, almond clears heat, resolves phlegm and relieves lungs, Wu Chishao, Danshen promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, Wu Wumei , white peony root, and licorice are anti-allergic and relieve bronchial smooth muscle spasm.

4. Shengmai Tianqi Decoction ("Experienced Prescription"): Ginkgo biloba leaves remove blood stasis and turbidity, dredge collaterals and relieve pain; , Ophiopogon japonicus, Radix Astragali, Radix Polygoni Multiflori nourishes qi and nourishes yin, invigorates the meridians and unblocks the collaterals; even better, "Shichangpu relieves the heart, eases the mood, refreshes the mood, benefits the mind, and is a wonderful medicine." (Wang Xuequan) treats angina pectoris of coronary heart disease.

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