Hangzhou Botanical Technology Co., Ltd.

Cinnamon Benefits and Contraindications


What is cinnamon?
Cinnamon, which is used for both medicine and food, is obtained by removing the bark of the cinnamon tree, rolling it into long strips and then drying it. Cinnamon powder is ground into a powder form of cinnamon sticks. There are two main varieties of cinnamon circulating in the international market: Ceylon cinnamon and Chinese cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is slightly pungent and sweet, with floral and citrus aromas, delicate taste, and relatively expensive; Chinese cinnamon has a strong, spicy, slightly bitter taste.

Cinnamon nutritional value?
Cinnamon is rich in calcium, iron, manganese, flavanols, fiber, and some powerful antioxidants, and its special taste comes from the special ingredient "cinnamaldehyde" contained in the bark.

Cinnamon efficacy, benefits?
Many recent medical studies have found that cinnamon has the following benefits:

Regulate blood sugar: As long as you take 1-6 grams of cinnamon per day, you can reduce short-term and long-term blood sugar levels. It can inhibit glycolytic enzymes, increase insulin sensitivity, promote insulin release and lower blood sugar. The latest research shows that Ceylon cinnamon has the effect of alleviating the complications of type 2 diabetes. Because cinnamon extract contains a high concentration of known insulin enhancer "chromium", it is also found that this kind of extract can also reduce the risk of high blood pressure after meals. The blood sugar group provides a relief effect and stabilizes blood sugar. Still, cinnamon can be eaten in moderation, but it's not a replacement for blood sugar medication.
Regulating blood lipids: Patients with type 2 diabetes who eat cinnamon can effectively improve triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and total cholesterol.
Antibacterial: Cinnamon oil and cinnamaldehyde extracted from cinnamon have significant effects on inhibiting bacteria, fungi, and mold, and help to relieve redness and itching of the skin, fight acne, and protect gums and teeth.
Anti-inflammation: Taiwanese animal studies have shown that cinnamaldehyde can effectively inhibit inflammatory substances in mice.
Pain Relief: Cinnamon can relieve migraines and relieve premenstrual symptoms.
Improve gastrointestinal function: cinnamon oil can stimulate gastrointestinal motility and increase appetite; cinnamon can also inhibit the substances secreted by Helicobacter pylori that cause gastritis and relieve gastritis symptoms.

Does Cinnamon Cause Cancer?
As a food, cinnamon is generally consumed in a small amount in a short period of time with little side effects. However, Dr. Lin Yipu pointed out that some cinnamon varieties (such as Chinese cinnamon) contain more natural substances coumarin, and long-term excessive intake will cause liver toxicity. The dosage is recommended to be within 6 grams per day, which is safer.

Cinnamon has 3 functions
Cinnamon is used in three ways:

1. Spices: Cinnamon tastes spicy and fragrant, with a hint of sweetness. It has the effect of enhancing fragrance and flavor. In addition to daily cooking, it can also be used to prepare food and beverages (such as cinnamon apple tea, turmeric cinnamon tea).
2. Medicinal use: the bark, branches and fruits of cinnamon tree can be used as medicine. After the bark is dried, it is called cassia bark, which can be made into various traditional Chinese medicine products, such as Guitong, Yougui, Qibiangui, Rolling Gui, etc.
3. Chemical additives: can be added to essential oils, cosmetics, toothpaste, soap and other products.

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