Hangzhou Botanical Technology Co., Ltd.

Cinnamon Bark Knowledge Introduction


Cinnamon bark is the dry bark and thick bark of cinnamon, an evergreen tree plant in Lauraceae. It has an aromatic smell and similar effect to fennel. It is often used as a raw material for cooking with a strong fishy smell. It is also the main component of five-spice powder. It is the earliest spice eaten by humans. one. It is mainly produced in Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei and other places. Guangxi has a large output and good quality. The place of origin also picks fresh laurel leaves for seasoning.

Cinnamon is divided into three types: barrel cinnamon, thick cinnamon, and thin cinnamon. Tonggui is the bark of the tender laurel tree. It is fine in quality, clean, sweet, fragrant, and earthy-yellow in color. Meat is best used; thin cinnamon has fine skin, fine meat texture, thin taste, less fragrance, gray skin, reddish-yellow inner skin, and the same use as thick cinnamon.

Guixin is a kind of cinnamon. Generally speaking, cinnamon is the bark of the osmanthus tree, which is barrel-shaped after drying, and is called "Guitong". It is also written as "Guixin", which is similar to the curative effect of "Cinnamon".

Cinnamon nutritional analysis:

1. Cinnamon bark has a strong aroma, which can remove fishy smell and greasy meat dishes, and greatly increase appetite;

2. Appropriate addition of cinnamon to dishes can help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes caused by old age;

3. Cinnamon contains phenylacrylic acid compounds, which have a therapeutic effect on benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Cinnamon Additional Information:

1. Do not use damp and moldy cinnamon, and avoid eating in summer;

2. Cinnamon contains safrole, which can cause cancer, so the less you eat, the better, and it is not suitable for long-term consumption;

3. Choose cinnamon bark: high-quality cinnamon bark, taupe on the outside and ocher red on the inside. When chewing with the mouth, it is better to have a sweet and then spicy taste.

suitable for majority of the people

1. It is suitable for people with loss of appetite, cold waist and knee pain, patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and slow heartbeat;

2. Not suitable for constipation, hemorrhoid patients, pregnant women.

Therapeutic effects of cinnamon:

Cinnamon bark is spicy and sweet in taste, hot in nature, enters the kidney, spleen and bladder meridians;

It has the effects of nourishing Yuanyang, warming the spleen and stomach, removing accumulated cold, dredging the meridians, relieving pain and relieving diarrhea;

It is mainly used to treat symptoms such as failure of fire at the gate of life, cold extremities and weak pulse, yang collapse, abdominal pain and diarrhea, cold hernia, cold pain in the waist and knees, amenorrhea, bleeding of yin gangrene, deficiency of yang floating above the heat and below the cold, etc.

1. Warming the kidney and strengthening yang: It is used for chills, cold limbs, cold waist and knee pain caused by insufficient kidney yang, and it can also be used for dyspnea and qi inversion when the kidney does not accept qi;

2. Warming the middle and dispelling the cold: used for cold pain in the epigastric cavity due to deficiency of the spleen and stomach, as well as abdominal pain and diarrhea, often used together with dried ginger and aconite;

3. Warming meridians and relieving pain: It can warm blood vessels, dispel cold and relieve pain, and is used for dysmenorrhea and limb pain caused by stagnation of qi stagnation due to cold.

This product is sweet and hot, pure yang is dry and strong, good at warming the middle and lower energizers, dispelling cold and relieving pain, red color entering the blood can stimulate the growth of qi and blood, so it is spleen and kidney yang deficiency, cold coagulation pain, qi and blood deficiency and cold The key medicine for other diseases.

Guixin: bitter and pungent, non-toxic (or sweet and dry). [Function] nourishing yang, invigorating blood circulation

Cinnamon Twig: pungent, sweet and warm, nontoxic. [Function] Warming the meridian, dredging the meridian, sweating

Patients should pay attention to the following while taking cinnamon:

1. It is not advisable to eat it frequently. Regular eating can easily lead to symptoms such as strong anger, upset, and sore tongue.

2. It is not advisable to eat too much, and the dosage should not be too much each time. It is recorded in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" that drugs such as cinnamon have "slight poison" as the saying goes. Taking too much can easily cause dizziness, glasses, etc. Swelling and dryness, cough, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, etc.

3. It should not be eaten with green onions. Cinnamon and green onions act as food restraints, and eating together will restrain each other's due effects.

Cinnamon contraindications:

Cinnamon is a warming medicine. It has sore mouth and tongue, phlegm and sore throat, blood deficiency and internal dryness, eye puffiness, postpartum blood heat phenomenon and weak spleen and stomach. People who are pregnant should not eat cinnamon, because cinnamon is mainly tonic. Yang, and strong sexuality, symptoms such as mouth sores are already a manifestation of exuberant liver fire and yang in the body is stronger than yin (yin deficiency and fire). If you continue to supplement yang blindly, it will only aggravate the condition.

In addition, people with Sj?gren's syndrome, lupus erythematosus, diabetes, cancer, tuberculosis, menopause syndrome, chronic liver disease, bleeding disorders, dry stool, hemorrhoids and other diseases should also eat it with caution.

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